Financial support to third parties
POLREC project launched the first open calls for Innovation on the 1st of September. The objective is to support SMEs by financing access to mechanical recycling, to digital tools and to chemical recycling. Each company can obtain up to 30,000 euros.
Applications can be presented from September 1st to October 31st.
We also need your support!
If you are an organization dedicated to the production, transformation or recycling of polymers, we need your opinion.
We have prepared a short questionnaire to find out your needs in terms of sustainability and polymer recycling and how the clusters can offer you specific support to plan specific actions in the best of your interests.
It will only take you 2 minutes (answers until November 20)
POLREC project will allocate 967.900€ to finance companies on chemical and mechanical recycling, offer training in recycling and support in internationalization and participation in conferences. Don't be left behind!
POLREC General Assembly
On the 11th of October, the project management team had the chance to get together in Lyon (France) for POLREC’s 2nd general assembly.

During the event the team had the chance to evaluate the general status of the project and the progress of each work package. Future work has been prepared as well as the monitoring of projects KPI.

In this meeting we had the chance to welcome Alexandra Wolf, the new representant of WFG.
After the meeting the project team had the opportunity to visit POLLUTEC: the event for stakeholders in the ecological & energy sustainability transition where contacts were made with some SMEs and national entities from different countries to broadcast the project and its funding opportunities.
If you have further questions, please contact project partners:

Polymeris (France) - Coordinator
Roxane Girard -

MAV Cluster (Spain)
Ona Bombí -

CENTIMFE (Portugal)
Tânia Mendes -

Plast Center Danmark (Denmark)
Dorte Walzl Bælum -

Wirtschaftsförderung Raum Heilbronn GmbH (Germany)
Patrick Dufour -
To know how to apply for support and more about the project see the information available at:
© 22023 POLREC project